Cooney St in Somerville
Click on a property below to view additional details.
Apartments With Four To Eight Units owned by MAITLAND PROPERTIES LLC - 12 COONEY ST
Single Family Residential owned by 1241 REALTY LLC - 15 COONEY ST
Single Family Residential owned by ALUSOW JOHN & STEPHANIE - 18 COONEY ST #18
Residential Condominium owned by KALE SANJEEV - 5 COONEY ST
Other, Open Space owned by None - 5 COONEY ST #1
Residential Condominium owned by PARK CALVIN JEEHUN - 5 COONEY ST #2
Residential Condominium owned by SU QI - 5 COONEY ST #3
Residential Condominium owned by WANG WENYUAN & XU JING - 7 COONEY ST
Three-Family Residential owned by GARCIA FRANCISCO &